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John Hawley Glover Papers 

Commission appointing Commander John Hawley Glover to be Administrator of the Government of Lagos

     Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, To Our Trusty and well-beloved John Hawley Glover, Esquire, Commander in Our Navy Greetings 

     Whereas by our Letters patent under the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bearing date the 13th day of March, 1862 in the twenty-fifth year of Our Reign We did Constitute Our Trusty and Well-beloved Henry Stanhope Freeman, Esquire, to be Governor and Commander in Chief in and over Our Settlement of Lagos, and by certain other Letters Patent bearing date at Westminster the Nineteenth day of February 1866 We did revoke Our said first mentioned Letters Patent, and did Constitute on the Coast of Africa one Government in Chief under the Designation of the Government of Our West Africa Settlements, and comprising together with other settlements therein mentioned, Our Settlement of Lagos, which we declared to include all Places, Settlements and Territories which might at any time belong to Us in Western Africa between the second and Fifth Degrees of East Longitude. 

     And whereas by our last mentioned Letters Patent We did Declare Our Pleasure to be that the powers and Authorities thereby vested in the Governor of the said West African Settlements should in certain events therein mentioned be vested in an officer to be called the Administrator of the Government of the said settlements and that so long as such Governor or (as the case might be) such Administrator should be absent from any of the aforesaid Settlements all and every the said Powers and Authorities so far as the same should be exercisable within such Settlement should be vested in such Person within the same as might have been appointed by us by Warrant under our Sign Manual and Signet to Administer

     the Government thereof, And We did further Declare that the several Officers for the time being Administering the Governments of the said respective Settlements should, in the discharge of such their Authorities Offices , conform to and observe such Instructions as should for that purpose be addressed to them by the Governor, or, as the case might be, by the Administrator of the West Africa Settlements, subject, nevertheless to all such Rules And Regulations in that behalf es might from time to time be contained in any Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet addressed to Our said Governor . And whereas We did by certain other Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland bearing date at Westminster the twentieth day of February, 1886 in the Twenty-ninth Year of Our Reign Constitute Our Trusty and Well-beloved Samuel Wensley Blackall Esquire, formerly Major in the Royal Longford Regiment of Militia, to be Our Governor and Commander in Chief of Our West Africa Settlements during our Will and Pleasure, and by certain Instructions under Our Sign Manual and Signet accompanying and bearing even date with the last mentioned Letters Patent and addressed to the said Samuel Wensley Blackall We did establish divers Rules and Regulations respecting the mode of Administering the Government of Our said Settlements. 

     Now know you that We reposing especial trust and Confidence in the Prudence, Courage, and Loyalty of the said John Hawley Glover to by this Our Warrant under Our Sign Manual and-Signet Appoint you during Our Pleasure to Administer the Government of our said Settlement of Lagos And we do declare that all such Powers and Authorities as under our herein secondly received Letters Patent would be exercisable in Our said Settlement by Our said Governor OF Administrator if he were present therein,, shall,, during the absence of such Governor or Administrator (as the case may be) be vested in you - and we do require and Command you in the execution of the said Powers and Authorities to conform to all such Directions as are contained in Our last mentioned Letters Patent and in Our said Instructions accompanying the same, and in Our Letters Patent bearing date the Nineteenth day of February, 1866 and to such further Orders and Instructions as You or Our said Governor or Administrators may hereafter receive from Us, and subject to such direction We Require you to observe such Instructions as may from time to time be addressed to you by the Governor or Administrator of the Government of Our West African Settlement: and We do hereby Command all and singular Our Officers,, Ministers,, and Loving Subjects in our said Settlement, and we do hereby command all and singular Our officers, Ministers, and Loving Subjects in our said Settlement, and all others whom it may concern, to take due notice hereof, and to yield their ready obedience accordingly, 

Given at Our Court at Osborne House Isle of Wight this twenty-first day of February, one thousand and eighty hundred and sixty-six in the twenty-ninth year of Our Reign. By Her Majesty’s Command

Commission, appt[ointments], Instructions, Administration 1866


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